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5 Delicious Recipes for Cooking Healthy in a Time Crunch

Studies have shown that when people eat out, they consume 200-300 more calories than if they had eaten at home—and that adds up! Kickstart your cooking with five quick recipe concepts from Cooper Clinic.

Aging Gracefully

Kenneth H. Cooper, the "father of aerobics" recently celebrated his 80th birthday with a skiing trip to Colorado. With helpful aging tips, you too could be skiing into your 80th birthday. It's never too early to start the healthy aging process. Learn more about how to get ther...

Top Four Supplements for Women

Supplements recommended by women, for women. Cooper Clinic Preventive Medicine Physician Carolyn M. Terry, MD, shares her top 4 supplement essentials for women.

Healthy Body Pack to Habit

Convenience and ease are key to developing healthy habits. Cooper Complete Healthy Body Packs can add value to your health routine, even when you're on-the-go.

Supplements for Bone and Joint Health

Bone and joint conditions are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability worldwide. Supplements can help reduce pain and inflammation when taken correctly.

Grilled Pineapple with Fresh Mint and Frozen Yogurt Dessert

Try grilling your fruit! Marinate pineapple with fresh mint and sugar for a delicious snack.

Cooper Complete Healthy Body Pack Supplements Total Nutrition

Do you ever wonder which supplements you should take and if you should even take them at all? Is there a one-stop-shop when it comes to vitamins? Read more about what Cooper Complete? supplements are best for all of your health needs.

Expert Advice for Picking the Right Vitamins and Supplements

Sometimes choosing the right supplements for you can be overwhelming.These recommendations from our Cooper Complete staff can help you get the supplements that are right for you.

How Diet and Exercise Improve Men's Fitness Levels, a Case Study

Rick Salewske once weighed more than 530 pounds. Today, he’s down 300 pounds, continues to live a healthy lifestyle and is working to motivate others to do the same.

Making Lung Health a Priority

Our lungs are the centerpiece of our respiratory system and constantly hard at work. However, they're easily taken for granted. Blake Bolin, MD, FAAFP shares the importance of our organs and how to keep them healthy.

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