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Staying Fit During the Holidays Takes a Solid Fitness Game Plan

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Staying Fit During the Holidays Takes a Solid Fitness Game Plan

‘Tis the season for planning holiday menus and picking out the perfect gifts for loved ones. As you prepare for all of your holiday festivities, it is important to not lose focus on your health and fitness in between all of your shopping plans, holiday travels and parties.

Cooper Fitness Center Professional Fitness Trainer Shannon Edwards offers three simple strategies to keep you strong and fit throughout the holidays.

1.  Plan ahead. As you propel toward the holiday season, you may have good intentions to maintain your workout regimen, but your plans will crash if you fail to plan ahead. By now, you likely have an idea of what your schedule will look like throughout the next month. From your child’s class parties to travel time to the grandparent’s house, be sure to mark all of these upcoming events on your calendar.

Once you have all of the events down on your calendar, you can create a plan around when your obligations are throughout the holidays. To stay consistent with your fitness plan, you’ll have to find time to exercise around those events each day.

When you create your workout plan, make a commitment to do a specific amount of workouts per week. Decide what days you will focus on aerobic activity and strength training. This will help you be more successful.

2. Execute. Beyond planning is a matter of execution. In the midst of a hectic schedule, it can be difficult to find motivation to workout. You know that physical activity is good for you, but you may lack the motivation to continue your routine. Ask a friend to be your workout buddy or take advantage of a Personal Fitness Trainer at your local fitness center to hold you accountable to your commitment to stay fit throughout the holidays.

Group exercise classes are another great option for you to commit to attending. These types of classes allow you to have a large group of people that you can rely on to keep you motivated. When you train with a group, it can spur you on to accomplish your goals as you see others striving to meet their goals as well.

3. Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Find out what your “triggers” are that cause you to overeat or skip exercise. When you understand what causes you to stumble in your fitness journey, it gives you a chance to resolve those issues. Whether it is a lack of sleep or not keeping physical activity as a priority, identifying those triggers will help you learn how to manage them.

It is also important to use your strengths to your advantage. Do you love attending a certain gym class? Does being able to conquer longer cardio distances inspire you to set new goals? Take a self-inventory to learn what fuels your desire to become fit for life.

Use these strategies to maintain your fitness level during anytime of the year to help you stay on a track toward a healthier you. For more information about Cooper Fitness Center, click here or call 972.233.4832.


Article provided by Cooper Aerobics Marketing and Communications.