Cooper Events

Fit:Business Workshop - 4.2014

Learn the proven methods to influence a culture of wellness. The one-day interactive Fit:Business workshop helps garner executive support and accountability around worksite wellness programs and speaks to the very heart of how a leaders' own health and productivity can drive organizational wellness.

Fit:Business is based on the science and strategy that has revolutionized health and wellness, and inspired millions of people to live healthier lives. During the one-day workshop, we discuss the importance of employee health and worksite wellness and it's impact on professional productivity. We also explore:

  • Fitness and nutrition techniques to influence a culture of change.
  • The impact of stress management on performance.
  • Goal setting and action planning for immediate, sustainable results.

Thursday, April 24
8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Breakfast and networking, 8 a.m.
Program, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Registration Fee: $925
Seating is limited.

Location: Cooper Clinic Auditorium
at Cooper Aerobics Center
12200 Preston Road
Dallas, Texas 75230
Google Map | Cooper Aerobics Center Map

Register today!

For more information, call 866.698.7111 or send an email.