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Open Your Heart to Vitamins and Supplements

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Open Your Heart to Vitamins and Supplements

The statistics are a tough pill to swallow. Every 34 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a heart attack. Every 60 seconds, someone in the U.S. dies from a heart disease-related event. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined. However, amidst these alarming facts, the great encouragement is that heart disease, unlike many other difficult health issues, is largely preventable with a healthy lifestyle.

For more than 45 years, Cooper Aerobics’ mission has been to help people identify the early signs of heart disease through preventive medicine and to better understand and implement heart healthy practices into their lives.  Dr. Kenneth Cooper has been on the front lines of the battle against heart disease since his first book, Aerobics, was published in 1968. He founded the first Dallas Heart Walk in 1992, an event which has grown from 500 walkers (and $50,000) to more than 75,000 walkers (and almost $6 million). The mission of the Dallas Heart Walk is to raise awareness and support for the fight against the nation’s no. 1 killer.

Mrs. Millie Cooper, First Lady of Aerobics, was recently honored with the Sandi Haddock Impact Award at the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Luncheon for her global efforts to promote physical activity and healthy habits. This is a legacy that does not fade as we continue to spread the message of optimum health and the cardiovascular benefits.

We know that smoking cessation, eating a nutritious diet and regular exercise are all key components for a heart healthy lifestyle, but what role do vitamins and supplements play? Below are four supplements that support optimum cardiovascular health.

Supplements That Support Cardiovascular Health


When it comes to heart supplements, omega-3 fatty acids are undoubtedly the first place to start. There is an impressive body of research highlighting a number of omega-3 heart health benefits. Omega-3 has proven to be favorable for both healthy people and those who have cardiovascular disease. Additionally, many studies show that omega-3 can lower elevated triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a type of fat in the blood that often damages the arteries, so high levels are a risk factor heart disease.  The American Heart Association recommends adults and children eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, lake trout and albacore tuna at least two times a week. And for those with coronary artery disease and/or high triglycerides, an even higher dose of omega-3 may be beneficial. It can often be difficult to obtain these high levels through diet alone, which is where supplementation comes into play.

Vitamin D

Better known for promoting bone health, vitamin D has also been connected with heart health. Research suggests that people with vitamin D levels below 15 ng/mL have a significantly higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease including, stroke, heart failure, and mortality compared to those with higher levels. Cooper Clinic recommends maintaining a vitamin D level between 30-100 ng/mL. If you are unsure of your specific vitamin D level (which can be revealed by a simple blood test), we recommend a baseline consumption of 2000 IU vitamin D daily. All Cooper Complete multivitamins contain 2,000 IU Vitamin D-3. Low vitamin D levels also make you more likely to have other cardiovascular disease risk factors such as diabetes, obesity and hypertension.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 works with folate and vitamin B6 to lower homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is a chemical in the blood that scientists believe may contribute to heart disease. Studies have shown a connection between high homocysteine levels and damage to the arteries, leading to hardening of the arteries and the formation of blood clots. The Cooper Complete multivitamins contain high levels of the B vitamins as they are known to promote healthy body function in a variety of areas. However, if you are at risk of a B12 deficiency you may want to consider having your B12 blood levels checked and adding additional Vitamin B12 to your diet. To learn more about groups at-risk for B12 deficiency, read this article–Do You Need More Vitamin B12–and talk with your doctor.


CoQ10 plays an important role in converting food consumed into cell energy. When the heart does not adequately maintain circulation (known as congestive heart failure), this CoQ10 energy production may assist the heart. An analysis of 13 clinical studies found that CoQ10 considerably improves how well the heart pumps blood. CoQ10 is often added to prescription heart failure treatment. Long-term supplementation has yielded favorable results.

CoQ10 also has benefits on the preventive side of heart disease. High cholesterol is one of the foremost risk factors for heart disease and stroke. To bring cholesterol down to an optimal level, doctors often prescribe statin medications. One of the negative side effects of statins is the depletion of CoQ10 in the body which can lead to muscle aches and pains. By taking additional CoQ10 and addressing this deficiency, about 75 percent of users find relief from statin pains and have a greater likelihood of continuing the statin therapy as prescribed.

If you would like to learn more about supplements for your heart, visit and look for the button below or call our team of experts at 888.393.2221. 

Article provided by Karen Perkins, Cooper Concepts Account Executive.